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来自 : 发布时间:2024-09-23
Epicentre授权代理 简要描述:蚂蚁淘代理Epicentre在中国的业务。Epicentre授权代理,Epicentre代理,Epicentre北京代理,Epicentre华东代理,Epicentre华北代理。 产品型号: 厂商性质:经销商 更新时间:2019-04-04 访问量:1479 详情介绍 蚂蚁淘Epicentre授权代理业务。Epicentre授权代理,Epicentre北京代理, Epicentre华东代理,Epicentre华北代理,Epicentre华中代理,Epicentre华南代理。Epicentre®(一家Illumina公司)成立于1987年,利用其在酶制造方面的专业知识,为生命科学研究生产创新套件。Epicenter生产的试剂盒和试剂有助于基因组学和转录组学的突破性研究。产品可用于基因表达分析,DNA和RNA纯化,PCR和RT-PCR,克隆,体外转录和微生物基因组学。Epicenter的产品广泛应用于各种应用的学术,商业和政府实验室,包括基础研究,药物发现,癌症研究,传染病研究,微生物学和个性化医疗。2011年1月10日,Epicenter被Illumina,Inc。收购。该公司继续作为Illumina的全资子公司从其位于威斯康星州麦迪逊的总部运营。部分产品的详细列表:Epicentre授权代理 产品价格品牌10X TA Buffer Enzyme Storage Buffer 询价 Epicentre5 Deadenylase 询价 Epicentre5 M Ammonium Acetate Solution 询价 EpicentreAmpligase® Thermostable DNA Ligase 询价 EpicentreAmpliScribe™ T7 High Yield Transcription Kit 询价 EpicentreAmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ Biotin-RNA Transcription Kit 询价 EpicentreAmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ Transcription Kit 询价 EpicentreAPex™ Heat-Labile Alkaline Phosphatase 询价 EpicentreArrayPure™ Nano-scale RNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreARTseq™ Bioinformatics User Guide 询价 EpicentreARTseq™ Index PCR Primers (1-12) 询价 EpicentreARTseq™ Ribosome Profiling Kit (Mammalian) 询价 EpicentreARTseq™ Ribosome Profiling Kit (Yeast) 询价 EpicentreBACMAX96™ DNA Purification Kit (with consumable plastics) 询价 EpicentreBACMAX™ DNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreBaseline-ZERO™ DNase 询价 EpicentreBiotin-X-X-NHS 询价 EpicentreBuccalAmp™ DNA Extraction Kit, QuickExtract™ DNA Extraction Solution 1.0, Catch-All™ Sample Collection Swabs 询价 EpicentreCircLigase RNA Ligase 询价 EpicentreCircLigase™ II ssDNA Ligase 询价 EpicentreCircLigase™ ssDNA Ligase 询价 EpicentreColony Fast-Screen™ Kit (PCR Screen) 询价 EpicentreColony Fast-Screen™ Kit (Restriction Screen) 询价 EpicentreColony Fast-Screen™ Kit (Size Screen) 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ BAC Autoinduction Solution 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ BAC Cloning Kit 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ cDNA, Gene PCR Cloning Kit with Chemically Competent TransforMax™ EPI300™ E. coli 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ cDNA, Gene PCR Cloning Kit with Electrocompetent TransforMax™ EPI300™ E. coli 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ Fosmid Autoinduction Solution 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ Fosmid Library Production Kit with pCC1FOS™ Vector 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ Induction Solution 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ pCC1BAC™ (BamH I, Hind III, EcoR I Cloning-Ready) Vector 询价 EpicentreCopyCutter™ EPI400™ Electrocompetent E. coli, CopyCutter™ EPI400™ Chemically Competent E. coli, CopyCutter™ Induction Solution 询价 EpicentreDeoxyribonucleoside Triphosphate (dNTP) Solutions, 2 -Fluoronucleoside- 5 -Triphosphate Solutions 询价 EpicentreDirect Lysis Fosmid96 DNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreDisplaceAce™ DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreDNA Polymerase I, E. coli 询价 EpicentreDNA Topoisomerase I, Vaccinia 询价 EpicentreDuraScribe® T7 Transcription Kit 询价 EpicentreE. coli DNA Ligase 询价 EpicentreEasyLyse™ Bacterial Protein Extraction Solution 询价 EpicentreEnd-It™ DNA End-Repair Kit 询价 EpicentreEndonuclease IV, E. coli 询价 EpicentreEpiFOS™ Fosmid Library Production Kit 询价 EpicentreEpiScript™ Reverse Transcriptase 询价 EpicentreExactSTART™ Eukaryotic mRNA 5 - 3 -RACE Kit 询价 EpicentreExactSTART™ Full-Length cDNA Library Cloning KitCat. 询价 EpicentreExo-Minus Klenow DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreExo-Minus Klenow DNA Polymerase (D355A, E357A) 询价 EpicentreExonuclease I, E. coli 询价 EpicentreExonuclease III, E. coli 询价 EpicentreExonuclease VII, E. coli 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ DHFR-1 Insertion Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ DHFR-1 Tnp Transposome™ Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ KAN-2 Insertion Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ KAN-2 Tnp Transposome™ Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ R6K ori/KAN-2 Insertion Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ R6K ori/KAN-2 Tnp Transposome™ Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ T7/KAN-2 Promoter Insertion Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ TET-1 Insertion Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ Custom Transposome Construction Kits 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ In-Frame Linker Insertion Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ pMOD™ MCS Transposon Construction Vectors 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ pMOD™ R6K ori/MCS Transposon Construction Vectors 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ Transposase 询价 EpicentreFailSafe™ PCR PreMix Selection Kit, FailSafe™ PCR System with PreMix Choice, FailSafe™ Enzyme Mix Only, FailSafe™ PCR 2X PreMixes 询价 EpicentreFast-Link™ DNA Ligation and Screening Kits EpicentreFast-Link™ DNA Ligation Kits 询价 EpicentreFosmidMAX™ DNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreGELase™ Agarose, Gel-Digesting Preparation, GELase™ 50X Reaction Buffer 询价 EpicentreGlobin-Zero™ Gold Kit 询价 EpicentreHK™-UNG Thermolabile Uracil N-Glycosylase 询价 EpicentreHybridase™ Thermostable RNase H 询价 EpicentreKlenow Fragment DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreKool™ NC-45™ RNAP Activity Inhibitor Screening Kit, Kool™ NC-45™ Universal RNA Polymerase Template 询价 EpicentreLambda Exonuclease 询价 EpicentreLambda Terminase 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ 10X PCR Enhancer 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ AmpliTherm™ DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ Buccal Swab DNA Extraction Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ Buccal Swab DNA Extraction Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ Extra-Long PCR Kit, MasterAmp™ Extra-Long PCR 2X PreMixes, MasterAmp™ Extra-Long DNA Polymerase Mix 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ PCR Optimization Kits with Ammonium Sulfate, MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMixes with Ammonium Sulfate 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ PCR Optimization Kits, MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMixes 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ RT-PCR Kit for High Sensitivity 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ Taq DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ Tfl DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ Tth DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit Bulk Reagents 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ DNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ DNA Purification Kit for Blood Version II 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ Gram Positive DNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ Plant Leaf DNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ Plant RNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ RNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ Yeast DNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ Yeast RNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMaxPlax™ Lambda Packaging Extracts 询价 EpicentreMessageBOOSTER™ cDNA Synthesis from Cell Lysates Kit 询价 EpicentreMessageBOOSTER™ cDNA Synthesis Kit for qPCR 询价 EpicentreMessageBOOSTER™ Whole Transcriptome cDNA Synthesis Kit for qPCR 询价 EpicentreMetagenomic DNA Isolation Kit for Water 询价 EpicentreMeta-G-Nome™ DNA Isolation Kit 询价 EpicentreMiniV™ In Vitro Transcription Kit 询价 EpicentreMMLV High Performance Reverse Transcriptase 询价 EpicentreMMLV Reverse Transcriptase 询价 EpicentreMMLV Reverse Transcriptase 1st-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 询价 EpicentreMonsterScript™ 1st-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 询价 EpicentreMonsterScript™ Reverse Transcriptase 询价 EpicentremRNA-ONLY™ Eukaryotic mRNA Isolation Kit 询价 EpicentremRNA-ONLY™ Prokaryotic mRNA Isolation Kit 询价 EpicentremRNA-ONLY™ Prokaryotic mRNA Isolation Kit with Poly(A)-Tailing 询价 EpicentreMung Bean Nuclease 询价 EpicentreNextera™ DNA Sample Prep Kit (Illumina®-Compatible) 询价 EpicentreNextera™ DNA Sample Prep Kit (Roche FLX-compatible) 询价 EpicentreNextera™ DNA Sample Prep Kit (Roche Titanium-compatible) 询价 EpicentreNuclease-Free Water 询价 EpicentreOmniCleave™ Endonuclease 询价 EpicentrepCC1™ / pEpiFOS™-5 Sequencing Primers 询价 EpicentrepCC2FOS™ Sequencing Primers 询价 EpicentrePeriPreps™ Periplasting Kit 询价 EpicentrePhage T1-Resistant TransforMax™ EC100™-T1R Electrocompetent E. coli 询价 EpicentrePhage T1-Resistant TransforMax™ EPI300™-T1R Electrocompetent E. coli, TransforMax™ EPI300™-T1R Chemically Competent E. coli 询价 EpicentrepIndigoBAC-5 (BamH I-Cloning Ready), pIndigoBAC-5 (Hind III-Cloning Ready) 询价 EpicentrepIndigoBAC-5 Sequencing Primers 询价 EpicentrePlasmid-Safe™ ATP-Dependent DNase 询价 EpicentrePoly(A) Polymerase Tailing Kit 询价 EpicentrePvu Rts1I Endonuclease 询价 EpicentrepWEB-TNC™ Cosmid Cloning Kit 询价 EpicentrepWEB™ Cosmid Cloning Kit 询价 EpicentreQuickExtract™ Bacterial DNA Extraction Kit 询价 EpicentreQuickExtract™ FFPE DNA Extraction Kit 询价 EpicentreQuickExtract™ FFPE RNA Extraction Kit 询价 EpicentreQuickExtract™ Plant DNA Extraction Solution 询价 EpicentreQuickExtract™ RNA Extraction Kit 询价 EpicentreQuickExtract™ Seed DNA Extraction Solution 询价 EpicentreReady-Lyse™ Lysozyme Solution 询价 Epicentrerec A Protein 询价 EpicentreRec J Exonuclease, E. coli 询价 EpicentreRecBCD Nuclease 询价 EpicentreRepliPHI™ Phi29 DNA Polymerase (1 g/ l), RepliPHI™ Phi29 DNA Polymerase (0.1 g/ l), RepliPHI™ Phi29 Reagent Set (1 g/ l), RepliPHI™ Phi29 Reagent Set (0.1 g/ l) 询价 EpicentreRiboGuard™ RNase Inhibitor 询价 EpicentreRibonuclease H, E. coli 询价 EpicentreRibonuclease R, E. coli 询价 EpicentreRibonuclease T1, Aspergillus oryzae 询价 EpicentreRibonucleoside Triphosphate (NTP) Solutions, 2 -Fluorine-Nucleoside- 5 -Triphosphate Solutions, Aminoallyl-UTP Solution, Biotin-16-UTP Solution 询价 EpicentreRiboShredder™ RNase Blend 询价 EpicentreRNA 5 Polyphosphatase 询价 EpicentreRNase A 询价 EpicentreRNase I, E. coli 询价 EpicentreRNase III, E. coli 询价 EpicentreRNase-Free DNase I 询价 EpicentreScriptMiner™ Index PCR Primers (1-12) 询价 EpicentreScriptMiner™ Small RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit 询价 EpicentreScriptMiner™ Small RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (SinglePlex; Illumina®-Compatible) 询价 EpicentreSingle-Stranded DNA Binding Protein (SSB) 询价 EpicentreSupercoiled DNA Marker Set 询价 EpicentreT4 Beta-glucosyltransferase 询价 EpicentreT4 DNA Ligase, Cloned 询价 EpicentreT4 DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreT4 Endonuclease V 询价 EpicentreT4 Polynucleotide Kinase, Cloned 询价 EpicentreT4 RNA Ligase 询价 EpicentreT4 RNA Ligase 2, Deletion Mutant 询价 EpicentreT5 Exonuclease, E. coli 询价 EpicentreT7 R DNA™ Polymerase 询价 EpicentreT7 RNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreTagetin™ RNA Polymerase Inhibitor 询价 EpicentreTAQXpedite™ PCR System (FAST end-point) 询价 EpicentreTargetAmp™ 1-Round aRNA Amplification Kit 103 询价 EpicentreTargetAmp™ 1-Round Biotin-aRNA Amplification Kit 105 询价 EpicentreTargetAmp™ 1-RoundAminoallyl-aRNA Amplification Kit 101 询价 EpicentreTargetAmp™ 2-Round AminoallylaRNA Amplification Kit 1.0 询价 EpicentreTargetAmp™ 2-Round aRNA Amplification Kit 2.0 询价 EpicentreTargetAmp™ 2-Round Biotin-aRNA Amplification Kit 3.0 询价 EpicentreTargetAmp™- Nano Labeling Kit for Illumina® Expression BeadChip® 询价 EpicentreTargetAmp™-Pico Labeling Kit for Illumina® Expression BeadChip® 询价 EpicentreTerminal deoxynucleotidyl Transferase, Recombinant 询价 EpicentreTerminator™ 5 -Phosphate- Dependent Exonuclease 询价 EpicentreTobacco Acid Pyrophosphatase 询价 EpicentreTransformation Storage Solution (2X TSS) 询价 EpicentreTransforMax™ EC100D™ pir+ Electrocompetent E. coli, TransforMax™ EC100D™ pir-116 Electrocompetent E. coli 询价 EpicentreTransforMax™ EC100™ Chemically Competent E. coli 询价 EpicentreTransforMax™ EC100™ Electrocompetent E. coli 询价 EpicentreTransforMax™ EPI300™ Electrocompetent E. coli, TransforMax™ EPI300™ Chemically Competent E. coli 询价 EpicentreTypeOne™ Restriction Inhibitor 询价 EpicentreUracil N-Glycosylase (UNG) 询价 EpicentreUracil-DNA Excision Mix 询价 Epicentre 产品价格品牌10X TA Buffer Enzyme Storage Buffer 询价 Epicentre5 Deadenylase 询价 Epicentre5 M Ammonium Acetate Solution 询价 EpicentreAmpligase® Thermostable DNA Ligase 询价 EpicentreAmpliScribe™ T7 High Yield Transcription Kit 询价 EpicentreAmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ Biotin-RNA Transcription Kit 询价 EpicentreAmpliScribe™ T7-Flash™ Transcription Kit 询价 EpicentreAPex™ Heat-Labile Alkaline Phosphatase 询价 EpicentreArrayPure™ Nano-scale RNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreARTseq™ Bioinformatics User Guide 询价 EpicentreARTseq™ Index PCR Primers (1-12) 询价 EpicentreARTseq™ Ribosome Profiling Kit (Mammalian) 询价 EpicentreARTseq™ Ribosome Profiling Kit (Yeast) 询价 EpicentreBACMAX96™ DNA Purification Kit (with consumable plastics) 询价 EpicentreBACMAX™ DNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreBaseline-ZERO™ DNase 询价 EpicentreBiotin-X-X-NHS 询价 EpicentreBuccalAmp™ DNA Extraction Kit, QuickExtract™ DNA Extraction Solution 1.0, Catch-All™ Sample Collection Swabs 询价 EpicentreCircLigase RNA Ligase 询价 EpicentreCircLigase™ II ssDNA Ligase 询价 EpicentreCircLigase™ ssDNA Ligase 询价 EpicentreColony Fast-Screen™ Kit (PCR Screen) 询价 EpicentreColony Fast-Screen™ Kit (Restriction Screen) 询价 EpicentreColony Fast-Screen™ Kit (Size Screen) 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ BAC Autoinduction Solution 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ BAC Cloning Kit 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ cDNA, Gene PCR Cloning Kit with Chemically Competent TransforMax™ EPI300™ E. coli 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ cDNA, Gene PCR Cloning Kit with Electrocompetent TransforMax™ EPI300™ E. coli 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ Fosmid Autoinduction Solution 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ Fosmid Library Production Kit with pCC1FOS™ Vector 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ Induction Solution 询价 EpicentreCopyControl™ pCC1BAC™ (BamH I, Hind III, EcoR I Cloning-Ready) Vector 询价 EpicentreCopyCutter™ EPI400™ Electrocompetent E. coli, CopyCutter™ EPI400™ Chemically Competent E. coli, CopyCutter™ Induction Solution 询价 EpicentreDeoxyribonucleoside Triphosphate (dNTP) Solutions, 2 -Fluoronucleoside- 5 -Triphosphate Solutions 询价 EpicentreDirect Lysis Fosmid96 DNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreDisplaceAce™ DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreDNA Polymerase I, E. coli 询价 EpicentreDNA Topoisomerase I, Vaccinia 询价 EpicentreDuraScribe® T7 Transcription Kit 询价 EpicentreE. coli DNA Ligase 询价 EpicentreEasyLyse™ Bacterial Protein Extraction Solution 询价 EpicentreEnd-It™ DNA End-Repair Kit 询价 EpicentreEndonuclease IV, E. coli 询价 EpicentreEpiFOS™ Fosmid Library Production Kit 询价 EpicentreEpiScript™ Reverse Transcriptase 询价 EpicentreExactSTART™ Eukaryotic mRNA 5 - 3 -RACE Kit 询价 EpicentreExactSTART™ Full-Length cDNA Library Cloning KitCat. 询价 EpicentreExo-Minus Klenow DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreExo-Minus Klenow DNA Polymerase (D355A, E357A) 询价 EpicentreExonuclease I, E. coli 询价 EpicentreExonuclease III, E. coli 询价 EpicentreExonuclease VII, E. coli 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ DHFR-1 Insertion Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ DHFR-1 Tnp Transposome™ Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ KAN-2 Insertion Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ KAN-2 Tnp Transposome™ Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ R6K ori/KAN-2 Insertion Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ R6K ori/KAN-2 Tnp Transposome™ Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ T7/KAN-2 Promoter Insertion Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ TET-1 Insertion Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ Custom Transposome Construction Kits 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ In-Frame Linker Insertion Kit 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ pMOD™ MCS Transposon Construction Vectors 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ pMOD™ R6K ori/MCS Transposon Construction Vectors 询价 EpicentreEZ-Tn5™ Transposase 询价 EpicentreFailSafe™ PCR PreMix Selection Kit, FailSafe™ PCR System with PreMix Choice, FailSafe™ Enzyme Mix Only, FailSafe™ PCR 2X PreMixes 询价 EpicentreFast-Link™ DNA Ligation and Screening Kits EpicentreFast-Link™ DNA Ligation Kits 询价 EpicentreFosmidMAX™ DNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreGELase™ Agarose, Gel-Digesting Preparation, GELase™ 50X Reaction Buffer 询价 EpicentreGlobin-Zero™ Gold Kit 询价 EpicentreHK™-UNG Thermolabile Uracil N-Glycosylase 询价 EpicentreHybridase™ Thermostable RNase H 询价 EpicentreKlenow Fragment DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreKool™ NC-45™ RNAP Activity Inhibitor Screening Kit, Kool™ NC-45™ Universal RNA Polymerase Template 询价 EpicentreLambda Exonuclease 询价 EpicentreLambda Terminase 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ 10X PCR Enhancer 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ AmpliTherm™ DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ Buccal Swab DNA Extraction Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ Buccal Swab DNA Extraction Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ Extra-Long PCR Kit, MasterAmp™ Extra-Long PCR 2X PreMixes, MasterAmp™ Extra-Long DNA Polymerase Mix 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ PCR Optimization Kits with Ammonium Sulfate, MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMixes with Ammonium Sulfate 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ PCR Optimization Kits, MasterAmp™ 2X PCR PreMixes 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ RT-PCR Kit for High Sensitivity 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ Taq DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ Tfl DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreMasterAmp™ Tth DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit Bulk Reagents 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ DNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ DNA Purification Kit for Blood Version II 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ Gram Positive DNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ Plant Leaf DNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ Plant RNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ RNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ Yeast DNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMasterPure™ Yeast RNA Purification Kit 询价 EpicentreMaxPlax™ Lambda Packaging Extracts 询价 EpicentreMessageBOOSTER™ cDNA Synthesis from Cell Lysates Kit 询价 EpicentreMessageBOOSTER™ cDNA Synthesis Kit for qPCR 询价 EpicentreMessageBOOSTER™ Whole Transcriptome cDNA Synthesis Kit for qPCR 询价 EpicentreMetagenomic DNA Isolation Kit for Water 询价 EpicentreMeta-G-Nome™ DNA Isolation Kit 询价 EpicentreMiniV™ In Vitro Transcription Kit 询价 EpicentreMMLV High Performance Reverse Transcriptase 询价 EpicentreMMLV Reverse Transcriptase 询价 EpicentreMMLV Reverse Transcriptase 1st-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 询价 EpicentreMonsterScript™ 1st-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 询价 EpicentreMonsterScript™ Reverse Transcriptase 询价 EpicentremRNA-ONLY™ Eukaryotic mRNA Isolation Kit 询价 EpicentremRNA-ONLY™ Prokaryotic mRNA Isolation Kit 询价 EpicentremRNA-ONLY™ Prokaryotic mRNA Isolation Kit with Poly(A)-Tailing 询价 EpicentreMung Bean Nuclease 询价 EpicentreNextera™ DNA Sample Prep Kit (Illumina®-Compatible) 询价 EpicentreNextera™ DNA Sample Prep Kit (Roche FLX-compatible) 询价 EpicentreNextera™ DNA Sample Prep Kit (Roche Titanium-compatible) 询价 EpicentreNuclease-Free Water 询价 EpicentreOmniCleave™ Endonuclease 询价 EpicentrepCC1™ / pEpiFOS™-5 Sequencing Primers 询价 EpicentrepCC2FOS™ Sequencing Primers 询价 EpicentrePeriPreps™ Periplasting Kit 询价 EpicentrePhage T1-Resistant TransforMax™ EC100™-T1R Electrocompetent E. coli 询价 EpicentrePhage T1-Resistant TransforMax™ EPI300™-T1R Electrocompetent E. coli, TransforMax™ EPI300™-T1R Chemically Competent E. coli 询价 EpicentrepIndigoBAC-5 (BamH I-Cloning Ready), pIndigoBAC-5 (Hind III-Cloning Ready) 询价 EpicentrepIndigoBAC-5 Sequencing Primers 询价 EpicentrePlasmid-Safe™ ATP-Dependent DNase 询价 EpicentrePoly(A) Polymerase Tailing Kit 询价 EpicentrePvu Rts1I Endonuclease 询价 EpicentrepWEB-TNC™ Cosmid Cloning Kit 询价 EpicentrepWEB™ Cosmid Cloning Kit 询价 EpicentreQuickExtract™ Bacterial DNA Extraction Kit 询价 EpicentreQuickExtract™ FFPE DNA Extraction Kit 询价 EpicentreQuickExtract™ FFPE RNA Extraction Kit 询价 EpicentreQuickExtract™ Plant DNA Extraction Solution 询价 EpicentreQuickExtract™ RNA Extraction Kit 询价 EpicentreQuickExtract™ Seed DNA Extraction Solution 询价 EpicentreReady-Lyse™ Lysozyme Solution 询价 Epicentrerec A Protein 询价 EpicentreRec J Exonuclease, E. coli 询价 EpicentreRecBCD Nuclease 询价 EpicentreRepliPHI™ Phi29 DNA Polymerase (1 g/ l), RepliPHI™ Phi29 DNA Polymerase (0.1 g/ l), RepliPHI™ Phi29 Reagent Set (1 g/ l), RepliPHI™ Phi29 Reagent Set (0.1 g/ l) 询价 EpicentreRiboGuard™ RNase Inhibitor 询价 EpicentreRibonuclease H, E. coli 询价 EpicentreRibonuclease R, E. coli 询价 EpicentreRibonuclease T1, Aspergillus oryzae 询价 EpicentreRibonucleoside Triphosphate (NTP) Solutions, 2 -Fluorine-Nucleoside- 5 -Triphosphate Solutions, Aminoallyl-UTP Solution, Biotin-16-UTP Solution 询价 EpicentreRiboShredder™ RNase Blend 询价 EpicentreRNA 5 Polyphosphatase 询价 EpicentreRNase A 询价 EpicentreRNase I, E. coli 询价 EpicentreRNase III, E. coli 询价 EpicentreRNase-Free DNase I 询价 EpicentreScriptMiner™ Index PCR Primers (1-12) 询价 EpicentreScriptMiner™ Small RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit 询价 EpicentreScriptMiner™ Small RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (SinglePlex; Illumina®-Compatible) 询价 EpicentreSingle-Stranded DNA Binding Protein (SSB) 询价 EpicentreSupercoiled DNA Marker Set 询价 EpicentreT4 Beta-glucosyltransferase 询价 EpicentreT4 DNA Ligase, Cloned 询价 EpicentreT4 DNA Polymerase 询价 EpicentreT4 Endonuclease V 询价 EpicentreT4 Polynucleotide Kinase, Cloned 询价 EpicentreT4 RNA Ligase 询价 EpicentreT4 RNA Ligase 2, Deletion Mutant 询价 EpicentreT5 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LLC、Epicentre、Bio/Data Corporation Greer Lab 、Solarbio、bangslabs、bioline、musechem、Novocastra stemabcam、hyphen-biomed、polyplus、moltoxop 、exiqon、pentapharm、verichemlabs GenStar、ALZET、lucernatechnologies 、meridian、origene、zimmerpeacocktech horizondiscovery、Reagents、megazyme、elisasystems所有生物试剂耗材都可以进口,特别是冷门品牌,均能给客户购买到。价格优,货期短,可加急,快10天到货;保证服务质量,所有产品均提供售后服务。大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务, 公司自成立依靠过硬的服务和良好的信誉与各大企事业单位、科研单位建立长期合作。客户包括北大,清华,地大,中科院各所,各大药企等等。 专业订购国内外试剂耗材,常备现货,一手货源,欢迎合作。

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发布于 : 2024-09-23 阅读()